Mr. Wilson Pinto
Head - Training & Placement
Contact for Training & Placements
Mr. Wilson Pinto
Head - Training & Placement
St. Francis Institute of Technology,
Mount Poinsar, S.V.P. Road, Borivali(West), Mumbai - 400103
Mobile: 9820784678
Tel : 022 - 28928585 Ext: 1101
Fax : 022- 28928585
Email : tpo@sfit.ac.in
It is widely established now that technology has been evolving at a much rapid pace in the last couple of decades as compared to rate at which it evolved over the last couple of centuries. These changes are even faster when it comes to phenomenal developments occurring in the field of Computer Science, Information Technology, and Telecommunication. At the forefront of these changes are opportunities and challenges confronting Industry and Academia. Consequentially, the nature and scope of job is continuously changing and shifting.
With this backdrop at hand, the industry is determinedly looking toward having young minds who bring technical competencies that are future oriented coupled with heightened sense of soft attitude to withstand in the global market. It, thus, brings enormous responsibility on academic institutions to prepare and equip young graduates who will be able to meet the ever-increasing demand of the ever-changing job market. Various employability research reports published by organizations such as Aspiring Minds, Wheebox, and others indicate considerable gap in the competencies of graduating engineers. In order to plug this widening gap, we at SFIT are committed to creating engineers who understand the industry needs and will be an asset to organizations and nation at large.
SFIT foresees these changes and ensure to take measures to equip students with necessary technical and behavioural competencies. This is achieved through our rigorous and meticulously developed academic curriculum and bringing the proper alignment with intense Industry Institute Interaction that help our students to potentially build the desirable competencies. In addition to this, we encourage our students to become industry ready professionals through proactive participation in many technical competitions, live projects, interactive seminar presentations, community services and cultural events.
As one more batch of bright young technocrats are on the verge of graduating we look forward for your continuous support in helping them make a mark in the Industry and contribute to the nation building. We look forward for the Industry Partnership in following areas:
Final Placements
Project work for students
Internships for students
Guest lectures / seminars on latest technologies
Technical workshops
Technical certifications