It is my proud privilege to welcome you all to St. Francis Institute of Technology (SFIT)! I am also honoured to mention that SFIT has been consistently ranked one among the top five engineering colleges under the University of Mumbai. Its campus placement too, is very impressive @ 90% +. It is an ISO 9001:2015 (DNV-GL) certified Engineering Institution. Currently it offers BE, ME and PHD courses in engineering and technology.
Three salient features of SFIT's vision statements, namely 'Chrysalis', 'Entrepreneurship' and 'Ethical Values' have motivated me to become a part of this esteemed professional institute.
Technology is the driving force for sustainable development. In order to expose the students to the needs of the industry and to disseminate the technological advancements, SFIT has ventured into R&D and consultancy services. Learning and Information Centre of the institute has launched Ezproxy for access of international journals and literatures. The institute has excellent infrastructure facilities and is updating these further to match with the winds of changes that are blowing across the country. At SFIT you will find an ambitious bunch of students, dedicated staff, and a dynamic management, all working in unison towards achieving academic glory. They constantly strive to mould the generation-next of this institute to be ready to face the challenges of the modern day industry by enabling them and make them professionals in their chosen areas of specialisation, besides helping them to be responsible citizens of our country.
I cordially invite all of you to join us in our endeavour to realise the dream of SFIT accomplishing its aspirations and goals as scripted in its 'Vision - Mission' statements.