- Associate Professor
- Date of Birth :12/09/1981
- Unique ID :1-419717627
- Qualification : Ph.D. in Computer Engg.
- Email : vaishalijadhav@sfit.ac.in
- Phone : 022- 28928585
- Area of Interest : Artificial IntelligenceBig Data AnalyticsCloud ComputingMachine LearningDevOps and Advaned DevOpsAdvanced DatabasesParallel and Distributed Systems.
View Google Scholar Profile
Academic Background
- Ph.D. Computer Engg.(2017)
- NMIMS University
- Thesis : "Complex Query JOIN Optimization in Parallel and Distributed Systems"
- M.E. Computer Engg.(2010)
- Thadomal Shahani Engineering College , Bandra, Mumbai University
- Thesis Title: Distributed Shared Memory for High Performance Networks
- B.E. Computer Engg.(2003)
- Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology , Mumbai University
- Project: Shipping Container Administration
- Diploma in Computer Engg. (2000)
- Government Polytechnic Thane, Mumbai University
- Project : Conveyor Belt System
Research Interests
- Advanced Databases
- Machine Learning
- Big Data Analytics
- Cloud Computing
Work Experience
Teaching Experience :
- VISITING LECTURER in Government Polytechnic Thane ( July 2003 - March 2004 )
LECTURER (5TH PAY COMMISSION) in IT Dept SFIT (14/06/2004 - 01/07/2010)
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR in IT Dept, SFIT ( 1/11/2010- 31/6/2018)
Affiliations with Professional Bodies
Ms.Chetali ,Dr. Vaishali Jadhav etal., "Location Prediction on Twitter using Hybrid Model", International Conference on Soft Computing for Security Applications ICSCS 2021, Vol. 7, 67-74, June, 2021.
Ms. Monisha and Dr. Vaishali Jadhav, "Survey of Various Machine Learning Algorithms for Yield Forecasting- The Comparative Study of Crop Yield Forecasting Model,", International Conference on Communication, Information and Computing Technology ICCICT 2021 (IEEE), Vol1, 1-6, June, 2021.
Ms. Monisha and Dr. Vaishali Jadhav, "Wheat and Jowar Crop Yield Prediction Model using Ensemble Technique", International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology ICAST 2021 (Elsevier) May 2021, Vol 1, 1-6, May, 2021.
Ms. Monisha and Dr. Vaishali Jadhav, "Wheat Yield Prediction using a Wavelet based Fusion of Landsat and Sentinel Data with Meteorological Parameters", International Journal of Advanced Statistics and Computer Science IJASCS, Vol1, 1-6, April, 2021.
Nishi Shah, Dr. Vaishali Jadhav etal., "Deaf and Dumb Gesture Recognition System", International Journal of Advanced Statistics and Computer Science IJASCS April 2021, Vol 1, 1-6, April, 2021.
Vanzel D'souza, Dr. Vaishali Jadhav etal., "College Project Plagiarism Using Machine Learning Technique Long Short-Term Memory and Recurrent Neural Network", International Journal of Advanced Statistics and Computer Science, Vol.1, 1-6, April, 2021.
Akshay Gunjal, Dr. Vaishali Jadhav etal., "Hate Speech Detection using Machine Learning Technique - Logistic Regression", International Journal of Advanced Statistics and Computer Science, Vol 1, 1-6, April, 2021.
Ms. Swati Modi, Ms. Disha Modi, Dr. Vaishali Jadhav etal., "Fake News Detection", International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 6, 43-47, July, 2019.
Mr. Advait Joshi, Dr. Vaishali Jadhav etal., "Predicting stock market price using recurrent neural network", IEEE third International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems ( ICICCS-2019), ISBN : 978-1-5386-8113-8, Vol1, 80-86, June, 2019.
Dr. Sunita Mahajan and Ms. Vaishali Jadhav, "Behavioral Patterns of Various Join Techniques on Large Databases", International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communication and Information Technology Applications (CSCITA) 2014, 14395156 Access No., 235-240, January, 2019.
Dr. sunita mahajan and Ms. Vaishali Jadhav, "Analysis of Execution Plans in Query Optimization", International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, ,Volume 3, Issue 2, 133-139, January, 2019.
Dr. Sunita Mahajan and Ms. Vaishali Jadhav, "Analysis of Execution Plans in Query Optimization", IEEE International Conference of communication , information and computing technology ICCICT 2012,, 11, 135-141, January, 2019.
Dr. Sunita Mahajan and Ms. Vaishali Jadhav, "General Framework for Optimization of Distributed Queries", International Journal of Database Management System (IJDMS), Vol.4,No.3,, 156-162, January, 2019.
Dr. Sunita Mahajan and Ms. Vaishali Jadhav, "Bloom Join Fine Tunes Distributed Query in Hadoop Framework", International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, 0976-3945, 123-129, January, 2019.
Dr, Sunita Mahajan and Ms. Vaishali Jadhav, "Tri-variate Optimization Strategies of Semi-Join Technique on Distributed Databases”,", International Journal of Computer Applications, 66, 213-219, January, 2019.
Dr. Sunita Mahajan and Ms. Vaishali Jadhav, "Collision-free Intelligent Bloom Join Filter", International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 3, 07-12, January, 2019.
Dr. Sunita Mahajan and Ms. Vaishali Jadhav, "Optimization using intelligence in Bloom Join Filters", International Conference on Recent Trends in Communication and Computer Networks, (COMNET) 2013, 11, 234-240, January, 2019.
Dr. Sunita Mahajan and Ms. Vaishali P. Jadhav, "Complex Query JOIN Optimization in Parallel distributed Environment", international Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA), WORLDCOMP’16, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 2016., vol.11, pg 163-169, July, 2016.
Dr. Sunita Mahajan and Ms. Vaishali Jadhav, "Distributed Query Optimization in Oracle", International Conference and Workshop in Emerging Trends in Technology (ICWET) 2011, 11, 122-128, February, 2011.
- Minor Research Grant of Rs. 0/- procured from Nil for research project on 'Automation of Exam Result Generation', for duration of 1 year in the academic year 2021-22.
- Minor Research Grant of Rs. 50000/- procured from Mumbai University for research project on 'Detecting Diabetic Retinopathy from Retinal Images using Deep CNN.', for duration of 1 year in the academic year 2017-18.
No Data Available.
PG Level
- Parallel Processing (PG Level)
- Decision Making and Advance Business Intelligence (PG Level)
UG Level
- Distributed Systems (UG Level)
- Advanced Database Management Systems (UG Level)
- Database Management Systems (UG Level)
- Data Mining and Business Intelligence ( UG Level)
- Graphical User Interface and Database Management Systems (UG Level)
- Artificial Intelligence ( UG Level)
- Data Warehousing and Mining (UG Level)
- Big Data Analytics (UG Level)
- Intelligence Systems (UG Level)
- Cloud Computing ( UG Level)
- DevOps (UG Level)
- Advanced DevOps (UG Level)
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science I & II (UG Level)
Workshop / Seminar / STTP Attended
- Attended One Week "AICTE sponsored six days STTTP on “Design Thinking and Risk Mitigation to Enhance Educational Productivity “" organized by AICTE Sponsored from 24th Feb - 29th Feb, 2020 at Thakur College of Engineering, Kandivali, Mumbai..
- Attended One Week "AICTE-ISTE approved one week STTP on “DevOps and R programming “" organized by AICTE-ISTE from 16th Dec - 21st Dec, 2019 at SIES Graduate School of Technology, Nerul, Navi Mumbai..
- Attended Two Weeks "AICTE approved Faculty Development Program (FDP101X) on Foundation Program in ICT for Education, conducted by IIT Bombay" organized by AICTE with IIT from 03rd Aug - 07th Sep, 2017 at IIT Bombay.
- Attended One WeeK "AICTE-ISTE approved “Cyber Security on IOT and Cloud “" organized by AICTE-ISTE from 03rd Jul - 07th Jul, 2017 at Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering, Mumbai, Maharashtra..
Workshop / Seminar / STTP Conducted
- Conducted "Wave: Colloquium 2022" from 08th Apr - 09th Apr, 2022 organized by Department of Information Technology.
- Conducted "Fusion of DevOps and Advanced DevOps Tools" from 24th May - 28th May, 2021 organized by Department of Information Technology, SFIT.
- Conducted "Virtual Colloquium 2021 : Gameathon 2021" from 26th Feb - 27th Feb, 2021 organized by Department of Information Technology, SFIT.
- Conducted "Analytics Essentials and Tools in Applied Research" from 27th Nov - 08th Dec, 2018 organized by AICTE sponsored STTP.