Information Technology Faculty



  • Professor, NAAC and Autonomy Coordinator

  • Unique ID :1-413159345

  • Qualification : PhD

  • Email :

  • Phone : 02228928585-317

  • Area of Interest :  Wireless-Communication, Embedded-Systems, Data-analytics and Blockchain

  • View Google Scholar Profile

Academic Background

  • Ph.D. Technology (Electronics and Communication), SNDT University Mumbai, 2015, Dissertation Title: Digital Modulation Techniques To Optimize The Quality of Indoor UWB Communication
  • M.E Electronics and Communication, VES Institute of Technology, University of Mumbai, 2005, Thesis Title: Design of Short Range Ultra-Wideband Transceiver
  • B.E. Electronics, Shivaji University1988, Project: Microcontroller Based DC Motor Controller


Research Interests

Research Areas: 

  • Wireless Networks
  • Embedded Systems and IOT
  • AI and Data Analytics
  • Blockchain

Recognized Research Advisor (Mumbai University) in field of

  • Electronics and Telecommunication
  • Computer Engineering
  • Information Technology

PhD Students under guidance:

Research Projects: 

I) Doctoral research At UMIT, SNDT University Mumbai  India, (Aug. 2008 - Feb 2014)

   Research Topic: ‘Digital Modulation Techniques to Optimize the Quality of Indoor UWB Communication’.

   Abstract:The objective of this research work is to design digital modulation techniques for Impulse-Radio (IR) UWB transceiver system to optimize the quality of inter-device W-USB communication at the Physical layer of the home network in terms of speed and accuracy. Since most of the Consumer-Electronic devices in home network are portable, such an application requires the UWB system characterized by low cost, low complexity and low power consumption hardware. The proposed modulation techniques based on hermite pulses are modeled in MATLAB Simulink and are analyzed for their high speed data communication performance with low complexity. The performance analysis of N-dimensional Pulse Shape Modulation (N-PSM) scheme, as a bandwidth efficient method, is presented for indoor UWB communication. Two extended modulation schemes called N-dimensional Pulse Shape and Position Modulation (N-PSPM) and Differential Pulse Shape Modulation (D-PSM) are designed and evaluated for improved speed of communication whereas novel error correcting code has been proposed to improve accuracy of UWB communication.


II) M. E: At VESIT University of Mumbai MH, India (Aug.  2003 - Jan. 2006)

                ME External Project: At TIFR Mumbai

   Title: ‘Design of Short Range Ultra-Wideband Transceiver’

   Abstract: In this project, UWB Transceiver system has been implemented in MATLAB for indoor wireless communication. The channel estimation is performed by estimating signal attenuation and delay through the channel at the receiver.


III) Sponsored Minor Research Project: Funded by University of Mumbai (2013-14)

  Title: ‘Smart Classroom Lighting System with integrated Equipment Security’

  Abstract: With increasing number of renewable energy systems, it has become necessary to improve the energy efficiency. The strategic methods for energy conservation can improve energy efficiency. Energy efficiency saves money, improves economy and enhances the quality of life. The minor research work presented here shows that simple concept of occupancy based lighting control can save electrical energy in the classroom of an educational institute, reducing the overall energy consumption of an institution. The modern classrooms are equipped with number of costly instruments like Personal Computers, LCD projectors and WiFi devices etc. These devises are unattended beyond the instructional time and need to be secured. The smart lighting with integrated security system controls the energy usage based on the occupancy and also secures costly equipment inside the classroom using RFID technology.

Work Experience

  • Total Experience in Years : 35 Years (30/06/2024)

             A.   Teaching : 22 Years

  • Professor: 7 years
  • Associate Professor: 6.5 years, SFIT Mumbai
  • Assistant professor: 08 years, 10 months, SFIT Mumbai

             B.   Industry : 13 Years

  • Works Manager, Emmanuel Electronics Mumbai, 05 years
  • Technical Manager, ACE Electronics Mumbai, 05 years
  • Production In-charge, APTEK Electronics, 02 years
  • R&D Engineer Target Marketing Mumbai, 01 year

            C.   Research: 13 Years

  • Doctoral research, 07 years
  • PhD Guidance, 08 years

Affiliations with Professional Bodies

  1. Namdev Sawant and Joanne Gomes, "Exploring the Current Frameworks in India", 2nd International Conference on Data Analytics and Insights Kolkata (Springer-Scopus), Springer Nature Book Series- Scopus indexed, 1-10, July, 2024.

  2. Sujata Kadam and Joanne Gomes, "A Survey of Key Generation Techniques in Wireless channels for Physical Layer Security", International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering (Scopus), vol. 12 No. 3, 2207-2224, January, 2024.

  3. Sujata Kadam and Joanne Gomes, "A novel hybrid protocol and code related information reconciliation scheme for physical layer secret key generation", International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication (Scopus), vol. 11 no. 9, 4490-4500, September, 2023.

  4. Namdev Sawant and Joanne Gomes, "Analysis of Various Blockchain-Based Solutions for Electronic Health Record System", Springer Nature Book Series (Scopus), Springer Nature, 1-15, September, 2023.

  5. Sujata Kadam and Joanne Gomes, "Quantization at the Physical layer using Affinity Propagation Clustering", World Conference on Communication & Computing (WCONF), RAIPUR, India, 2023, Int. Conf. proceedings, 1-6, July, 2023.

  6. Kavita S Kumavat, Joanne Gomes, "Common Mechanism for Detecting Multiple DDoS Attacks", International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication (Scopus), vol 11 No. 4, 81–90, May, 2023.

  7. Kavita S Kumavat, Joanne Gomes, "EIDDM: Edge and Internet Layer Distributed DoS Threats Detection and Mitigation for Internet of Things Wireless Communications", Wireless Personal Communications (Scopus), 2023, 1-40, April, 2023.

  8. Varun Patkar, Tanish Parmar, Parth Narvekar, Vedant Pawar, Joanne Gomes, "Audio Source Separation using Wave-U-Net with Spectral Loss", International Conference on Communication System, Computing and IT Applications (CSCITA), 2023, 101-106, March, 2023.

  9. Kavita S Kumavat, Joanne Gomes, "Performance Evaluation of IoT-enabled WSN system With and Without DDoS Attack", International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT), 2023, 1-5, January, 2023.

  10. Sujata Kadam, Joanne Gomes, "Comparative Analysis of Quantization Schemes for Physical Layer Key generation", 5th International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology (ICAST), 2022, 548-553, December, 2022.

  11. Leafia Dias, Ketaki Keluskar, Anviksha Dixit, Krunal Doshi, Mrinmoyee Mukherjee, Joanne Gomes, "SignEnd: An Indian Sign Language Assistant", IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) page:1-6, doi: 10.1109/TENSYMP54529.2022.9864405, 2022, 1-6, July, 2022.

  12. A. Gupta, R. Rodrigues, A. Tripathi, R. Coutinho and J. Gomes, "Blockchain for EHR: an off-chain based approach", IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) page:1-6, doi: 10.1109/TENSYMP54529.2022.9864405, 2022, 7-12, July, 2022.

  13. Kavita S Kumavat, Joanne Gomes, "Survey of Detection Techniques for DDoS Attacks", 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM),, 2022, 657-663, April, 2022.

  14. Mohak Jani; Keith Dsouza; Nelson Dsouza and Joanne Gomes, "Target Detection and Classification of Brain Cancer Target Detection of Brain Cancer Using CNN", International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology (IJISRT), vol.7 no.2, 318-324, February, 2022.

  15. Anuj Badale, Chaitanya Darekar, Lionel Castelino and Joanne Gomes, "Deep Fake Detection using Neural Networks", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY (IJERT), "vol.9, no.3, 349-354, June, 2020.

  16. Samiksha Marne, Delisa Correia, Shweta Churi and Joanne Gomes, "Predicting Price of Cryptocurrency -A Deep Learning Approach", International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), vol.9, no. 3, 387-393, June, 2020.

  17. D. K. Yadav, S. Mookherji, S. Patil and J Gomes, "Intelligent Navigation System for the Visually Impaired - A Deep Learning Approach", Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC), 2020, pp. 652-659, March, 2020.

  18. Priyanka Jadhav and J. Gomes, "Comparing PSWF, Hermite Pulses For High Speed Communication Using N-PSM", Int. Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security, Vol. 5 No.2, pp. 90-95, May, 2017.

  19. J Gomes and Melisa Fernandes, "Heuristic approach for association rule hiding using ECLAT", in Proc. Conf. CSCITA-14, IEEE, Mumbai, ,, pp. 218-223, April, 2017.

  20. Swati warbhe and J. Gomes, "Interpolation Technique using Non Linear Partial Differential Equation with Edge Directed Bicubic", Int. Journal of Image Processing, Vol. 10 No. 4, pp. 205-213, October, 2016.

  21. Foram Shah and J. Gomes, "Novel Hybrid k-D-Apriori Algorithm for Web Usage Mining", IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, Vol. 18 No. 4, pp. 1-10, August, 2016.

  22. O A Surti and J Gomes, "Impact of High Speed Modulation Technique on Wireless Network Parameters", Int. Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol. 4 no. 8, pp. 412-417, August, 2015.

  23. V J Dsouza , J Gomes and I M Kochar, "Design of Dipole Array for Effective Direction of arrival Estimation", Int. Journal of Engineering. Research and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 8, pp. 531-534, August, 2015.

  24. Nikita Patni and J Gomes, "Web based remote patient monitoring system with integrated GSM", Int. Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 936-941, April, 2015.

  25. Nitika Lemos and J. Gomes, "Enhanced Image Captcha", Int. Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol. 3 No. 11, pp. 1049-1051, November, 2014.

  26. S Mascarnes and J Gomes, "Subject based Clustering for Digital Forensic Investigation with Subject Suggestion", Int. Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 102 No. 11, pp. 1-6, September, 2014.

  27. J Gomes, "N-dimensional Pulse Shape and Position Modulation for High Speed UWB Communication", in Proc. Conf. CSCITA-14, IEEE, Mumbai, ,, pp. 126-131, April, 2014.

  28. J Gomes and B K Mishra, "Coded UWB Transceiver for Wireless Home Networks", in Proc. Int. Conf. and Workshop on Emerging trends in Technology Mumbai, ,, pp. 435-440, February, 2014.

  29. J Gomes and B K Mishra, "Performance Evaluation of UWB Wireless Link", Int. Journal of Information & Network Security, Vol. 1 No. 3, pp. 188-199, August, 2012.

  30. J Gomes and B K Mishra, "High Speed Video Transmission over Hermite Based UWB", in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies Mumbai, ,, pp. 957-961, December, 2011.

  31. J Gomes and B K Mishra, "Hermite based UWB Wireless Link with Simplified Receiver", in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies Mumbai, ,, pp. 962-967, December, 2011.

  32. J Gomes and B K Mishra, "Image Transmission using Hermite based UWB Communication with Simple Receiver", Int. Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous engineering, Vol. 6 No. 4, pp. 13-28, October, 2011.

  33. J Gomes and B K Mishra, "A Novel Triple Error correcting code for Energy Efficient Communication", in Proc. ACM Int. Conf. and Workshop on Emerging trends in Technology Mumbai, ,, pp. 1010-1015, February, 2011.

  34. J Gomes and B K Mishra, "Performance analysis of Time-hopping Orthogonal Modulation Techniques for Indoor Wireless Communication using UWB S-V channel", in Proc.Int. Conf. on Advances in Computer Vision and Information Technology Aurangabad, ,, pp. 276-279, December, 2010.

  35. J Gomes and B K Mishra, "Performance Analysis of a Novel Double Error-correcting code for Image Transmission over UWB Channel", Int. Journal of Computer Networks, Vol. 10 No. 7, pp. 35-41, November, 2010.

  36. J Gomes and B K Mishra, "Double Error Correcting Long Code", Int. Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, Vol. 2 No. 5, pp. 58-69, September, 2010.

  37. J Gomes and B K Mishra, "A New Double Error Correcting Long Code For 100% Correction", in Proc. Springer, Int. Conf. on contours of Computing Technology Mumbai, ,, pp. 257-260, March, 2010.

  38. J Gomes and B K Mishra, "Multidimensional Hermite based Modulation with Dual Error Correction over UWB Channel", in Proc. ACM, Int. Conf. and Workshop on Emerging trends in Technology Mumbai, ,, pp. 362-367, February, 2010.

  39. J Gomes and B K Mishra, "Orthogonal Hermite Pulses for Indoor Communication with Ultra Wideband (S-V) Channel", in Proc. IEEE computer society, CICSYN Indore, ,, pp. 276-279, September, 2009.

  40. J Gomes, "TH-PPM and TH-BPSK-UWB Performance Using UWB Channel-1 with Delay Estimation", in Proc. IEEE R-10 Colloquium and Int. Conf. 2008 SPIT Mumbai, ,, pp. 1-2, February, 2008.

  41. J Gomes, "ICI Reduction Techniques in OFDM", in Proc. National Conf. Utkarsh-07 VESIT Mumbai, ,, pp.1-4, January, 2007.

  42. J Gomes, R. K. Gupta and K. Shah, "Next Generation Interior Design and Building Materials for Improving Indoor Range Performance of Wireless Devices", in int Conf. on Next Generation Networks IETE Mumbai, ,, pp. 1-6, April, 2006.

  43. J Gomes and Shoba Krishnan, "High Speed Ultra Wideband Wireless Link for Short Distance Communication using Rake Receiver", in Proc. National Conf. on Sun Rising Technology, Mumbai, ,, pp.1-4, November, 2005.

  44. J Gomes, RK Gupta, M Chavan, "Improving Indoor range Performance of wireless communication devices through Construction Materials of a Building, Building Design, & Layout and optimizing it through placement", in proc National conference on Advances in Electronic Communications, ,, pp. 1-6, April, 2005.

  • Major Research Grant of Rs. 1082000/- procured from AICTE Government of India for research project on 'MODROB for up-gradation of Wireless Sensor Network Lab', for duration of 1 year in the academic year 2018-19.
  • Major Research Grant of Rs. 640000/- procured from Mott MacDonald India Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai for research project on 'Design and Development of Web Application for Project Management Process (Consultancy)', for duration of 1 year in the academic year 2018-19.
  • Minor Research Grant of Rs. 100000/- procured from AICTE Government of India for research project on 'Analytics Essentials and Tools in Applied Research (Seminar Grant)', for duration of Two weeks in the academic year 2017-18.
  • Minor Research Grant of Rs. 25000/- procured from Mumbai University for research project on 'Smart Classroom Lighting System with integrated Equipment Security', for duration of 1 year in the academic year 2013-14.
  1. Conducted a session on, " Women Empowerment through AI, ", in Two Hrs Seminar on ChatGPT for Women Empowerment organized by Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Chembur.organized by Archdiocesan Commission for Women, 20th October,2024.
  2. Conducted a session on, " NATIONAL CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK AND OUTCOME-BASED EDUCATION. ", in One day Workshop on NATIONAL CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK for Schools organized by Don Bosco High School and Junior College, Oros., 07th June,2024.
  3. Conducted a session on, " Ranking and accreditation, NEP perspective ", in 2-Hrs. Seminar on in the ISTE approved STTP on "NEP 2020 and Autonomy in HEI" organized by SIES GST, Nerul, 18th December,2023.
  4. Conducted a session on, " ChatGPT ", in 2-Hrs Seminar on ChatGPT for Teachers organized by INFT Dept., St Francis Institute of Technology Mumbai, 15th July,2023.
  5. Conducted a session on, " Strategic Planning and Management ", in 3 Hrs Seminar on in the STTP on "Quality Excellence Through Accreditation" organized by Viva College of Engineering and Technology Vasai Dist. Virar, 01st July,2023.
  6. Conducted a session on, " NAAC Guidance ", in 2 hrs Seminar on An overview of NAAC Criteria organized by Xavier Institute of Engineering Mahim, 15th October,2022.
  7. Conducted a session on, " NBA Guidance ", in 2-hrs Seminar on NBA Accreditation organized by Xaviers Inst of Engineering Mahim Mumbai, 30th September,2022.
  8. Conducted a session on, " NAAC Criteria ", in 2 hrs Seminar on NAAC Accreditation and 360 degree Feedback organized by FIP St Francis Institute of Technology Mumbai, 21st July,2022.
  9. Conducted a session on, " Web Analytics ", in 4 Hrs Seminar on ISTE Approved One week Online Short Term Training Program On “Recent Trends in Web Technologies” organized by INFT Dept. SFIT, 06th December,2021.
  10. Conducted a session on, " Statistics in R ", in 2 Hrs Workshop on ISTE approved FDP CMPN Dept SFIT organized by CMPN Dept. SFIT, 23rd June,2021.
  11. Conducted a session on, " Circuit Diagram Designing with Arduino Simulator ", in 2 Hrs Seminar on AICTE Sponsored FDP on Developing Secure IoT Applications organized by Shah and Anchor COE Mumbai, 14th December,2020.
  12. Conducted a session on, " ESP Controller Interface ", in 2 Hrs Seminar on ISTE approved STTP on Embedded Systems organized by EXTC Dept SFIT, 21st June,2019.
  13. Conducted a session on, " Introduction to R ", in Two weeks STTP on AICTE Sponsored Analytical Essentials and Tools in Applied Research organized by SFIT Borivali Mumbai, 27th November,2018.
  14. Conducted a session on, " Raspberri Pi ", in Two days Seminar on Technical Program organized by IEEE Bombay Section SKEP at Gyan Ganga Institute of Technology & Sciences, Jabalpur, 26th August,2016.
  15. Conducted a session on, " Research Challenges in IOT ", in Two hour Seminar on Research Topics organized by St. Francis Institute of Technology Mumbai, 19th March,2016.
  16. Conducted a session on, " IT for Education ", in Two days Seminar on Colloquium: IT for Society organized by St. Francis Institute of Technology Mumbai, 15th January,2016.
  17. Conducted a session on, " Getting Started with Raspberry-Pi ", in One day Seminar on Technical Program organized by IEEE Student Chapter at Xavier Institute of Engineering Mumbai, 14th August,2015.
  18. Conducted a session on, " Getting Started with Raspberry-Pi ", in One day Seminar on Technical Program organized by IEEE Student Chapter at UMIT SNDT Mumbai, 01st August,2015.
  19. Conducted a session on, " Getting Started with Raspberry-Pi ", in One hour Seminar on Webinar organized by Infoys knowledge sharing program, 17th July,2015.
  20. Conducted a session on, " Role of Teacher in Different Cadre ", in One week STTP on Faculty Induction Program organized by St. Francis Inst. of Technology Mumbai, 07th July,2015.
  21. Conducted a session on, " Getting Started with Raspberry-Pi ", in Two days Seminar on Technical Program organized by IEEE Bombay Section SKEP at Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Kurla (W), Mumbai, 02nd March,2015.
  22. Conducted a session on, " Getting Started with Raspberry-Pi ", in Two days Seminar on Technical Program organized by IEEE Bombay Section SKEP at MIT Academy of Engineering, Alandi (D), Pune., 18th February,2015.
  23. Conducted a session on, " Writing Technical Paper ", in Two hour Seminar on Research Topic organized by St. Francis Inst. of Technology Mumbai, 06th October,2012.

PG Level

Research Methodology, Quantative Methods and Computer Applications in Research, Advance Digital Communication, Modelling and Simulation, Advance Network Management, Open Source Lab etc.

UG Level


Blockchain, AI, Python Programming, Internet Programming, IOT, Data Mining and Business Intelligence, Wireless Networks, Digital Communication, Digital Signal and Image Processing, Signals and Systems, Embedded Systems,  Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Analog and Digital Circuits etc.

Workshop / Seminar / STTP Attended

  • Attended 6 months "AICTE Sponsored QIP-PG Certificate Programme in AI" organized by AICTE and IIITV from 01st Jul - 03rd Jan, 2025 at IIIT Vadodara.
  • Attended One-week "STTP on Cultivating The Future of Healthcare with Generative AI" organized by Dept. of Information Technology SFIT from 11th Dec - 15th Dec, 2023 at online at SFIT.
  • Attended 12 weeks "Blockchain and its Applications" organized by IITKGP from 01st Jan - 30th Apr, 2023 at NPTEL.
  • Attended 12 weeks "Internet of Things" organized by IITM from 01st Jan - 30th Apr, 2023 at NPTEL.
  • Attended 4 Weeks "Python for data Science" organized by IITKGP from 01st Jan - 31st Mar, 2023 at NPTEL .
  • Attended One week "AICTE/ISTE approved refresher program on Future Trends in Biomedical Engineering" organized by NMIMS Andheri West Mumbai from 08th Dec - 14th Dec, 2021 at online.
  • Attended Two weeks "Workshop on Internet Programming: The Full Stack Approach" organized by VCET Vasai Mumbai from 14th Jan - 25th Jan, 2021 at online.
  • Attended One week "Atal online course on Blockchain" organized by IIT Ropar from 11th Jan - 15th Jan, 2021 at online.
  • Attended One week "Atal online course on Blockchain" organized by IIT Patna from 20th Dec - 24th Dec, 2020 at online.
  • Attended one week "Atal online course on Blockchain" organized by Bangalore Inst of Technology, Gurukul from 14th Dec - 18th Dec, 2020 at online.
  • Attended Seven weeks "Workshop on Programming for Everybody (getting Started with Python)" organized by Coursera from 01st May - 30th Jun, 2020 at online.
  • Attended Two weeks "Workshop on Industrial IOT on Google Cloud Platform" organized by Coursera from 01st May - 31st May, 2020 at online.
  • Attended Four days "STTP on Examination Reforms" organized by AICTE from 29th Apr - 02nd May, 2020 at online.
  • Attended One week "CE & QIP sponsored one week STTP on Medical Image Computing: Machine-learning methods and Advance-MRI applications" organized by IIT Bombay from 23rd Jul - 27th Jul, 2018 at Pavai Mumbai.
  • Attended Three days "Hand-on workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning" organized by Bennett Iniversity Greater Noida in association with Fr. Agnel COE from 21st Jul - 23rd Jul, 2018 at Bandra Mumbai.
  • Attended One week "AICTE sponsored, STTP on Open Data Science with IOT" organized by VIT from 25th Jun - 30th Jun, 2018 at Wadala Mumbai.
  • Attended One Semester part time "Semester course on Cryptography and Network Security" organized by CEP IIT Bombay from 07th Jan - 30th Apr, 2017 at Mumbai.
  • Attended One week "AICTE sponsored Open Source Technologies for Research" organized by VIT from 27th Jun - 01st Jul, 2016 at Wadala Mumbai.
  • Attended Two days "workshop on Chankya in You" organized by SFIMR from 20th Feb - 21st Feb, 2015 at Borivali Mumbai.
  • Attended Two week "ISTE approved FDP on Control Systems " organized by NMIECT IIT Khargpur from 02nd Dec - 12th Dec, 2014 at SFIT Mumbai.
  • Attended Two week "ISTE approved FDP on Cyber Security" organized by NMIECT IIT Bombay from 10th Jul - 20th Jul, 2014 at SFIT Mumbai.
  • Attended Two week "ISTE approved FDP on Computer Networks" organized by NMIECT IIT Bombay from 28th May - 05th Jul, 2014 at SFIT Mumbai.
  • Attended Two week "ISTE approved FDP on Signals & Systems" organized by NMIECT IIT Kharagpur from 02nd Jan - 12th Jan, 2014 at SFIT Mumbai.
  • Attended One week "TEQIP-II sponsored FDP on Research Methodology" organized by VJTI from 06th Jan - 10th Jan, 2014 at Wadala Mumbai.
  • Attended Two weeks "AICTE sponsored Moving Towards Open Source" organized by VIT from 25th Jun - 06th Jul, 2012 at Wadala Mumbai.
  • Attended One week "workshop on High Impact Teaching Skills-DALE CARNEGIE TRAINING" organized by Wipro Mission10X from 23rd Nov - 28th Nov, 2009 at Frcrce Bandra Mumbai.
  • Attended One week "STTP on Developing Managerial Skills for Senior Technical Academicians-Disha-09" organized by St. Francis Institute of Technology from 05th Jan - 09th Jan, 2009 at Borivali Mumbai.
  • Attended One week "Hands-on workshop on Linux System Administration and Networking" organized by SPIT from 01st Jul - 06th Jul, 2008 at Andheri Mumbai.
  • Attended One week "STTP on Teaching Engineering Effectively" organized by CEP IIT Bombay from 27th Sep - 01st Oct, 2007 at Pavai Mumbai.
  • Attended Two weeks "ISTE approved STTP on Emerging Microelectronics and VLSI Technologies for Communication System" organized by VCET from 18th Dec - 30th Dec, 2006 at Vasai Mumbai.
  • Attended One week "ISTE approved STTP on Emerging Trends in Wireless Computer Networking" organized by RGIT from 20th Nov - 24th Nov, 2006 at Andheri Mumbai.
  • Attended Two weeks "ISTE approved STTP on Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware/ Software Approach" organized by K. J. Somaiya COE from 13th Jun - 24th Jun, 2005 at Vidyavihar Mumbai.
  • Attended Two weeks "ISTE approved STTP on Digital Communication with Recent Development" organized by D. J. Sanghvi COE from 20th Dec - 31st Dec, 2004 at Vile Parle Mumbai.
  • Attended Three days "Microcontroller Applications in Power Electronics" organized by CEP IIT Bombay from 02nd Jan - 04th Jan, 2003 at Pavai Mumbai.
  • Attended Two weeks "In-House Faculty Development Programme-II in Pedagogy" organized by St. Francis Institute of Technology from 08th Jul - 20th Jul, 2002 at Borivali Mumbai.
  • Attended Two weeks "In-House Faculty Development Programme-I" organized by St. Francis Institute of Technology from 15th Sep - 09th Feb, 2002 at Borivali Mumbai.

Workshop / Seminar / STTP Conducted

  • Conducted "Conducted One day Hands-on Session on Flask " on 08th Dec, 2022 organized by INFT SFIT.
  • Conducted "Convened ISTE Approved One week Online Short Term Training Program On “Recent Trends in Web Technologies” " from 06th Dec - 10th Dec, 2021 organized by SFIT.
  • Conducted "workshop on Graphics for data analytics using R programming in STTP" on 04th Jul, 2018 organized by DBIT Mumbai.
  • Conducted "/Chaired Session at Int. Conf. ICIATE-2018" on 23rd Mar, 2018 organized by Atharva College of Engineering Mumbai.
  • Conducted "workshop on Introduction to R in STTP" on 10th Jan, 2018 organized by TSEC Bandra Mumbai.
  • Conducted "workshop on Introduction to R in STTP" on 29th Nov, 2017 organized by SFIT Mumbai and AICTE.
  • Conducted "workshop on Signal Processing using R in STTP" on 09th Sep, 2017 organized by DBIT Mumbai, Dept of Maths and ISTE.
  • Conducted "/invited as a Chief Guest: for Innauguration of STTP on Exploring R and Python" on 10th Jul, 2017 organized by Atharva College of Engineering Mumbai and ISTE.
  • Conducted "Co-chaired 2nd International Conference on Communication Systems, Computing and IT Applications (CSCITA)" from 07th Apr - 08th Apr, 2017 organized by SFIT Mumbai and IEEE Bombay Section.
  • Conducted "/Judged: project competition " on 05th Apr, 2016 organized by DBIT Mumbai.
  • Conducted "Coordinated workshop on Ph.D. Preparatory 2016" from 08th Jan - 09th Jan, 2016 organized by SFIT Mumbai and ISTE.
  • Conducted "/Judged for presentation competition: Present Around the World (PATW) " on 07th Mar, 2015 organized by TCET Mumbai and IET.
  • Conducted "/coordinated 1st International Conference, CSCITA as a Program Committee Convener" from 04th Apr - 05th Apr, 2014 organized by SFIT Mumbai and IEEE.
  • Conducted "workshop on MATLAB and Simulink" on 29th Aug, 2012 organized by SFIT IEEE Chapter.
  • Conducted "/Judged for project exhibition: IC the Future" on 10th Apr, 2012 organized by TCET Mumbai .
  • Conducted "/Coordinated an STTP: Embedded DSP" from 05th Jun - 15th Jun, 2006 organized by SFIT and ISTE.