Shree Jaswal
- Assistant Professor
- Unique ID :1-419717811
- Qualification : MS(Software Systems)
- Email : shreejaswal@sfit.ac.in
- Phone : 02228928585-3061
- Area of Interest : Project Management, Software Engineering, Database, Data Mining and DevOps
View Google Scholar Profile
Academic Background
- M.S. Software Systems, Birla Institute of Science and Technology, Pilani, 2011. Thesis Title: Academic Planner
- B.E. Computer Engineering, D.Y. Patil College of Engineering, Pune, 2004. Project Title: Remote desktop handling via speech
Research Interests
Project Management, Software Engineering, Database and Data Mining
Work Experience
Total Experience in Years : 17 Years
- Assistant professor: 16 years
- Teaching Assistant: 01 year
Affiliations with Professional Bodies
Akshansh Sharma, Tejas Nibrad, Atharva Puranik, Mohd Adnan Shaikh, Shree Jaswal, "Transforming Satellite Imagery to Maps via GAN", IEEE 2024 Asia Pacific Conference on Innovation in Technology (APCIT), Mysore, Karnataka, India, doi: 10.1109/APCIT62007.2024.10673587., pp 1-6, July, 2024.
Harshit Awasthi, Harsh Mandviya, Yash Patel, Viraj Gujar, Shree Jaswal, "Empowering Remote Donations: A Comprehensive Mobile Application Suite for Charitable Contributions", IEEE 6th Parul University International Conference on Engineering and Technology (PICET) 2024, doi: 10.1109/PICET60765.2024.10716097, pp. 1-6, May, 2024.
Harshil Parmar, Rovin Quadros, Pratham Gaonkar, Balin Menezes, Shree Jaswal, "Integrated Workspace Management System", IEEE 6th Parul University International Conference on Engineering and Technology (PICET) 2024, doi: 10.1109/PICET60765.2024.10716144., pp. 1-6, May, 2024.
M. Patel, K. Rane, N. Jain, P. Mhatre, S. Jaswal, "Image Forgery Detection using CNN", International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT) 2023, INSPEC Accession Number: 23610002, pp. 1-4, June, 2023.
A. Shigwan, A. Aguiar, D. D’Abreo and S. Jaswal, "P2P Negotiation Framework for trading Carbon Credits", International Conference on Communication System, Computing and IT Applications (CSCITA), 2023, INSPEC Accession Number: 22964067, 78-83, April, 2023.
Dylan Coelho, Leon Correia, Neil Fernando, Cliff Machado, Shree Jaswal, "Collating SQL databases, No-SQL databases and Machine learning algorithms for Data Analysis", International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology (IJISRT), Volume 7 - Issue 4, April- 2022, 1129-1134, April, 2022.
Shubham Pawar, Pritesh Patne, Priya Ratanghayra, Simran Dadhich, Shree Jaswal, "Movies Recommendation System using Cosine Similarity", International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology (IJISRT), Volume 7, Issue 4, April – 2022, 342-346, April, 2022.
Gauri Kesarkar, Sapana Babar, Priyanka Aurade, Shree Jaswal, "Hoax News Detection in Twitter", International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 59-62, October, 2021.
Palkar, Anish and Deshpande, Mitali and Kalekar, Shweta and Jaswal, Shree, "Demand Forecasting in Retail Industry for Liquor Consumption using LSTM", 2020 International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC), INSPEC Accession Number: 19876947, 521-525, July, 2020.
Palkar, Anish and Deshpande, Mitali and Kalekar, Shweta and Jaswal, Shree, "Demand Forecasting in Retail Industry for Liquor Consumption using LSTM", 2020 International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC), INSPEC Accession Number: 19876947, 521-525, July, 2020.
Patel, Bhoomi and Patil, Harshal and Hembram, Jovita and Jaswal, Shree, "Loan Default Forecasting using Data Mining", 2020 International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), INSPEC Accession Number: 19887656, pp. 1-4, June, 2020.
Siddharth Jhaveri, Ishan Khedkar, Yash Kantharia and Shree Jaswal, "Success prediction using random forest, CatBoost, XGBoost, AdaBoost for Kickstarter Campaign", 3rd IEEE Technically Sponsored International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2019) 27-29, March 2019, INSPEC Accession Number: 18958317, 1170-1173, August, 2019.
Divya Pandit, Niki Modi, Dixita Surti, Mitul Pandya, Shree Jaswal, "Automated Attendance System", International Conference on New Trends in Engineering and Technology, (ICNTET2018),, vol:00, pp:00, September, 2018.
Mehek Thaker, Mihir Parikh, Preetika Shetty, Vinit Neogi, Shree Jaswal, "Detecting Phishing websites using Data Mining", 2 nd International conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology(ICECA 2018),, INSPEC Accession Number: 18132505, 1876 - 1879, March, 2018.
Edwina Jacob, Shree Jaswal, "Optimized utilization of disks in storage area network by storage tiering", 2017 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA),, INSPEC Accession Number: 17449026, 637 - 640, May, 2017.
Prachi Tawde, Shree Jaswal, "Optimization of SCM process using Evolutionary Algorithm on SVR", 2017 International Conference On Big Data Analytics and computational Intelligence (ICBDACI), INSPEC Accession Number: 17261531, 103 - 106, March, 2017.
Praneet Shah, Vijal Shah, Pratyush Verma, Priyal Patel,Shree Jaswal, "Detection of Data Leakage and Its Prevention", National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Engineering and Technology(NCETCET’17),, vol:00, pp:00, March, 2017.
Lissa Rodrigues, Shree Jaswal, "Hybrid Model for Improvised Page Ranking Algorithm", 2015 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication & Computational Technologies (ICCICCT-2015),, INSPEC Accession Number: 16005425, 466-469, December, 2015.
Hycinta Andrat, Shree Jaswal, "An Alternative Approach for Risk Assessment in Scrum", 2015 International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet'15),, INSPEC Accession Number: 15801504, 535-539, December, 2015.
Harsha Dave, Shree Jaswal, "Multiple Text Document Summarization System using hybrid Summarization technique", 2015 1st International Conference on Next Generation Computing Technologies (NGCT), INSPEC Accession Number: 15701591, 804-808, September, 2015.
Lissa Rodrigues, Shree Jaswal, "An Efficient Page Ranking Approach Based On Hybrid Model", 2nd IEEE International Conference on advances in computing and communication Engineering (ICACCE 2015),, INSPEC Accession Number: 15557189, 693 - 696, May, 2015.
Siddhesh Shirke, Tejaswini Patil, Valentina Rodrigues, Nishant Shetty, Shree Jaswal, "Dynamically heuristic anti-fraudulence system", 4th International Conference on Global Technology Initiatives 2015,, IJGTI Volume 4, Issue 1, 44-51, March, 2015.
Tejal Carwalo, Shree Jaswal, "Exploring hybrid approach for mutant reduction in software testing", IEEE approved International Conference on Communication, Information & Computing Technology (ICCICT, 2015), INSPEC Accession Number: 14933397, 1 - 4, January, 2015.
Harsha Dave, Shree Jaswal, "Multi-document abstractive summarization based on ontology", International Conference on Nascent Technologies in the Engineering fields of Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics &Telecommunication, Computer and Information Technology, 2015, IJERT Volume 3, Issue 1, 73 – 76, January, 2015.
Shree Jaswal, Sonal Dongre, "Exploring rubrics based assessment for students project", International conference on Recent advances in computer, electronics and management (RACEM) 2014,, Journal of Applied Engineering and Technologies, ISSN 2278-1722, Volume 3, Issue 1, 261-265, April, 2014.
No Data Available.
PG Level
Advanced Database Systems
UG Level
Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Operating Systems, Software Engineering, Software Project Management, Data Mining and Business Intelligence, Database Management Systems, Advanced Dabase management Techniques, DevOps, Green IT
Workshop / Seminar / STTP Attended
- Attended 1 week "ISTE Approved Short Term Training Program on " Cultivating The Future of Healthcare with Generative AI" " organized by Department of Information Technology, SFIT from 11th Dec - 15th Dec, 2023 at SFIT.
- Attended 2 weeks "ISTE Sponsored Faculty Development Program on " Next Generation Solutions: Harnessing the Power of Blockchain and AI"" organized by SFIT in collaboration with XIE and SJCEM from 19th Jun - 01st Jul, 2023 at SFIT.
- Attended 1 week "ISTE approved STTP on “Building efficiencies in software project management by integrating DevOps Tools”" organized by Thadomal Shahani College of Engineering, Bandra, Mumbai from 05th Jul - 09th Jul, 2021 at SFIT.
- Attended 7 weeks "Programming for Everybody (getting Started with Python)" organized by Coursera from 12th Apr - 20th May, 2021 at SFIT.
- Attended 1 week "AICTE sponsored STTP on "Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education"" organized by AICTE sponsored from 22nd Mar - 26th Mar, 2021 at SFIT.
- Attended 8 weeks "NPTEL 8 week course on "Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network" " organized by IIT Kharagpur from 10th Feb - 17th Apr, 2020 at SFIT.
- Attended 8 weeks "NPTEL 8 week course on "Data Mining" conducted by IIT Kharagpur" organized by IIT Kharagpur from 25th Feb - 19th Apr, 2019 at SFIT.
- Attended 8 week course "NPTEL 8 week course on "Database Management Systems" conducted by IIT Kharagpur" organized by IIT Kharagpur from 01st Aug - 01st Sep, 2018 at SFIT.
- Attended 2 weeks "Two week AICTE sponsored STTP on “Analytics Essentials and Tools in Applied Research” at SFIT" organized by AICTE sponsored from 27th Nov - 08th Dec, 2017 at SFIT.
- Attended 2 weeks "Two week MHRD sponsored workshop on “Foundation Program in ICT for Education” conducted by IIT Bombay, at SFIT, " organized by IIT Bombay on 01st Aug, 2017 at SFIT.
- Attended 2 weeks "Two week MHRD sponsored workshop on “Pedagogy for Effective use of ICT in Engineering Education” conducted by IIT Bombay, at SFIT" organized by IIT Bombay on 01st Jan, 2015 at SFIT.
Workshop / Seminar / STTP Conducted
- Conducted "30 hrs. Value Added Course on Fusion of DevOps and Advanced DevOps Tools" from 27th Jun - 01st Jul, 2022 organized by Department of Information Technology, SFIT.
- Conducted "ISTE Approved One week Online Short Term Training Program on "Recent Trends in Web Technologies"" from 06th Dec - 10th Dec, 2021 organized by Department of Information Technology, SFIT.
- Conducted "30 hrs. Value Added Course on Fusion of DevOps and Advanced DevOps Tools" from 24th May - 28th May, 2021 organized by Department of Information Technology, SFIT.
- Conducted "Two day “Colloquium: IT for Society” conducted by INFT department at SFIT, Mumbai, " from 18th Jan - 19th Jan, 2019 organized by INFT department,SFIT.
- Conducted "Two day “Colloquium: IT for Society” conducted by INFT department at SFIT, Mumbai, " from 19th Jan - 20th Jan, 2018 organized by INFT department, SFIT.
- Conducted "Two week MHRD sponsored workshop on “Computer Programming” by IIT Bombay at SFIT, Mumbai" on 01st Jun, 2014 organized by IIT Bombay.