Continual Improvements:
Best Library User Awards
Initiation of Mobile Library
Installation of Digital Display
Celebration of Reading Inspiration Day
Celebration of Marathi Bhasha Diwas
Facilitated Access to e books from Wiley Computing Now and Knimbus M Library Portal
Facilitated Access to CSDL in addition to IEEE ASPP
Implemented Thin Client technology
Facilitated Access to Magzter - online library of magazines and newspapers
Initiated Remote Access to IEEE ASPP and IEEE CSDL with Knimbus
Facilitated Plagiarism Check using DrillBit
Updation of Koha Version to 23.11.05
Increase in Laptop Connecting Points
Initiated GATE Exam Preparation Book Bank
Joining of New Assistant Librarian
Adjudged as one of the Best Performing NDLI Club from Maharashtra, India by MoE and IIT Kharagpur
Celebrated National Reading Day with innovative Spin the Book Wheel activity
Celebrated Reading Inspiration Day and conducted literacy sessions for Housekeeping staff and Prem Sangh Boys
Conducted Book Exhibition for avid readers
Conducted e Workshop on Mendeley Reference Management Software
Dedicated Faculty Zone enabled with Multimedia facility
Enabled library premises with Wi-Fi
Enrolled more than 3000 users in SFIT NDLI Club
Facilitated access to Ratna Nidhi Mini Library
Facilitated access to AICTE e KUMBH portal
Implemented Book Bank Scheme of University of Mumbai
Initiated need based training for IEEE ASPP to T.E. and B.E. students
Installed Air Conditioners in the Reading and Seating Area
Migrated to Koha Open Source Integrated Library Management System
Implemented Online Gate Register with Koha IMLS
Organized of Meraki Season 1 workshop
Revised the ISO Procedure Manual to include the Pandemic / Lockdown SOP
Facilitated access to OURIGINAL (formerly URKUND), a plagiarism detection software.
Constituted NDLI Club for carrying out various activities.
Implemented 100% online payment of overdue charges.
Initiated Online Orientation for all FE students through Google Meet and Zoom Platform
Prepared theme/need based QR Code table tops for the Library users.
Initiated refurbishment of Library’s webpage, developed creative and informative web content
Compilation and Sharing of Bibliography of Research Trends on a weekly basis
Enrolled more than 2300 users in SFIT NDLI Club
Launched D.E.A.R. for faculty members on the eve of Reading Inspiration Day
Facilitated remote access to IEEE Xplore Digital Library
Batch-wise Orientation to FE and ELEC students through Google Meet
Open Educational Resources, a dedicated website using Google Sites was launched by listing out all the links related to open access e-resources.
Created Whatsapp groups for updating our students regularly about accessibility of library and its resources during the lockdown period
Created Google Classroom from FE to BE for posting Open access e books and important articles and keep them connected to the library digitally.
Uploaded bulk students’ details on National Digital Library and provided access to resources of National Digital Library of India.
Prepared Know Your Library e-Booklet for offline understanding LIRC, its resources, facilities and services
Compiled List of Semester – Wise Books in Library and uplinked to library webpage for ease of access
Relocated to a new place with huge space and ambience
Digital Library terminals increased from 9 to 12 in number
Installation of 3 dedicated WebOPAC terminals outside Book Stack Area
Installation of 2 dedicated terminals for capturing Foot-Falls (Online User Record Management)
Modified the Book Bank policy for the benefit of all students
Compiled “Do-It-Yourself” Projects to suit the needs of Mini Projects
Developed the Placement Corner and Little Free Library
Prepared and emailed “Good Reads” – a fortnightly compilation of selected articles
Imparted 120 hours of Training-cum-Internship to M.L.I.Sc. student from SHPT School of Library Science, SNDT Womens University, Mumbai
Launched e newsletter – LIRC @ A Glance
Initiated Best Library User Award
Email notification for borrowed books and reminders for Overdue books.
Borrowing privilege of books increased to six from two for a period of 7 days
Discontinued the practice of students applying for Library membership using a application form. Instead, started porting all admitted students’ details in our Library system.
Payment of Overdues online through PayTM App
Compilation of List of Project Reports with addition of Guide Names
Uplinked “Today In News” to Library Webpage for sharing daily news
Organized Drawing and Painting Contest for faculty, staff and students on the occasion of Teacher’s Day
Best Practices -
1. Book Bank 2. Library Orientation / Information Literacy Sessions / Database Training 3. Increase in Book Borrowing Period to 15 days during exams |
1. Online Renewal and Claim 2. Access to IEEE ASPP and POP 3. Open Educational Resources 4. E mail notifications 5. Institute Repository: DSpace@SFIT 6. QR Code Services 7. Online User Record Management |
1. Member of IIT Bombay Library 2. Member of National Digital Library of India 3. Member of NDLI Club |
1. Literature Search using IEEE DL 2. DIY Projects 3. Top Research Trends 4. Plagiarism Check |
1. Hands-on Training to M.L.I.Sc. students 2. Earn (points) while you Learn for NSS students 3. Little Free Library 4. Children and Young Fiction 5. Best Library User Awards Drop Everything and Read |