- AP
- Qualification : M.A. Ph.D (English Literature), PGDBM and SET
- Email : vijaya.pable@sfit.ac.in
- Phone : 022228928585
- Area of Interest : Communication skill, Literary Critcism, English literature, and linguisticss.
Academic Background
Ph.D. (Enlish Language and Literature) from Institute of Advanced Studies in English, SPPU in 2009
PGDBM (Human Resource Management) Neville Wadia College, Pune in 2013
M.A. (English Language and Literature) from Nowrosjee Wadia Collge, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune in 2004
B.A. (English Literature) from Nowrosjee Wadia Collge, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune in 2002
Research Interests
Linguistics and drama.
Work Experience
Teaching experience 13 years
U.G. level 13 years from June 2010 to December 2022
P.G. level 6 years from 2016 to 2022
Industry experience 2.5 years (online tutoring) from 2007 to 2010
Affiliations with Professional Bodies
No Data Available.
PG Level
M.A. -English
MSc (Communication Skills and English for research)
MBA (Human Resource management and Communication skills)
UG Level
B.A.- Compulsory paper (minor forms of literature), Special English(Poetry)
B.Sc.-General paper (Language, minor forms of literature and Communication skills)
B.Com- Geberal paper (Communication skills and soft skills
BHMCT- Communication skills